Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tea Party Patriots and The Mafia

The November 2010 Elections are now over but it will be a long time before the dust even begins to settle. If people were concerned about “Big Brother” in the past, you better get scared to death about “Him” now, the Republicans are large and in charge: unfortunately. While I don’t always vote that way, I am a registered Democrat and always will be until my dying day.

I think one of the biggest issues (and there are many) for me is the Right to Privacy and just how convoluted it has become in this country. I believe that if I’m paying for it then I have the right to say if, how and when it is used; and I’m talking about cell phones right now.

I have changed my own cell phone number more times than I care to think about. That is until I discovered the very affordable, unlimited calling and texting plan I have now. So now, rather than change my number because of the foolishness of others, I have simply changed how I use my phone. The only people I want to hear from are preprogrammed in my phone, therefore their name will appear on the screen. If not, sorry about your luck, leave a message and I might (not) call you back. It’s something everyone needs to consider for more reasons that I feel like listing in this post.

My cell phone is a personal tool, it’s not for the use of the general public and I don’t care who you are. As long as it is costing me money out of my pocket, don’t call me unless I have given my permission. It’s a lot like trespassing in my opinion. I feel the same way about landlines as well but that’s a whole different (post) concept right there.

When my home phone rings, to me it’s the same as if someone walked up onto my porch and knocked on my door; you are requesting the right to enter my home. I have the right to say NO. Therefore, I have a message service on my home phone line in opposition to telemarketers, political ads, surveys, automated dialing, etc.

The article entitled: Tea Party Group Releases Congress’ Members Cell Phone Numbers is frightening to any logical person. It gets even scarier as you read through it. It spells out the lowest of low standards by which the Tea Party is willing to stoop to push their agenda upon others. The ONLY thing I like about the Tea Party is the acronym TEA; Taxed Enough Already. But the ‘like’ stops there because the rest of it stinks!

The actions and tactics of the group; Tea Party Patriots are nothing more than Mafia style strong-arming. Thus I am forced to agree with Rep-elect David McKinley (R-W.Va) when he stated… “I guess I’m going to have to get used to this.” However, I must admit as the frown crosses my brow and I am thinking to myself… “Damn McKinley, you got any balls?”

Jenny Beth Martin said in a post to… “The water in the Potomac is infected with the politics of the past and needs to be boiled to be cleansed and then steeped in fresh tea. You are the fresh tea. Today we need your help. We need you to call and email these incoming Congressmen and tell them you want them to attend YOUR Tea Party Patriots event.”

Following that post, she continued on with an extensive list of their personal cell phone numbers and private email address’ how’s that strong arm tactics?

The message being sent here as far as I am concerned is that there is little faith displayed with regards to the newly elected, Tea Party Supported Congress. It leaves me to wonder, did they elect governing officials or just a bunch of puppets that are going to dance to the strings of the Tea Party?

Personally I’ve always preferred tea to coffee, but of late it’s been leaving a far bitter taste in my mouth that no amount of sugar can sway.

Provided below is a link to the original article "Tea Party Group Releases Congress Members' Cell Phone Numbers

Here is more information regarding Jenny Beth Martin

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